Friday, June 16

a long, long ride

These are a few pictures I took on my trip to Riyadh! :D
Mayynn, it was quite a ride! :S we left at around 4am and came back home at about 9pm. My brother and I stayed up the whole night before we left and I was exhausted (we were watching Russell Peters so yeah, all that laughing made my stomach ache like hell!:$lol)! I was in such a hurry that I forgot to change my mp3 player’s batteries (dumb me :$) and I forgot to take my scarf…what was worse was that when we entered the embassy (after a ride that took almost forever) there were thousands of ummm…MEN, with all these weird (ahhh forget it:$!) and *pauses* we were the only ladies!:| it was SO WEIRD. It felt as if we (as in my mom and I) were the only women alive!
Ahh well the only good part about going through all that was that we got to eat from Quiznos (yeah:D, free coke-refills lolz):D! hehe and oh yeah I saw a great deal of camels on the way :)…and then on one of our stops; at the back of this gas station, my brother and I even managed to walk all the way to a herd…my brother went extra-close (m not sure if there’s such a word, but m sure u’d know what I mean:$) and he took a few pictures, BUT my dumb camera just had to start dying of low battery that time…and no, I wasn’t getting scared:P ...i was just ummm letting Zaid do his job:P! lolz seriously :$, I didn’t wanna scare them away (the camels that is)…they looked so calm—everything was looking so serene…the camels grazing, the just-born-sun taking its shape, the soft mist—just everything looked amazing…for once the same ol’ boring desert looked like a completely different place!
*sighs*…but somehow I (during the ride at some point) ended up thinking about my friends and how much I’ll miss this place:$, how hard it’ll b to stay in touch with everyone (I even had a lill fight with a really really really close friend of mine who thought I was being ignorant:$)—so the thought kept disturbing me…
such a close friend—the closest I have…ahhhh…but its hard to xplain all the shit I’ve been into these days—these conditions that have arose…never wanted any of this to happen…but it did and I had feared it—somehow I had seen this coming…long before it even happened…
(I ended up writing a poem that seemed to fit in both ways *sighs*…hope it makes sense)

The End

I hear ‘em coming;
Those rustling palmetto leaves leaning onto each other.
The noise of the tiny grains of sand in the fierce wind
—all echoing their arrival

Yes, I knew the times had come;
The loss had eventually made it
Piercing its way through the walls
—the walls that now hold it.

The faces that smiled and the heads that tossed with joy
Now all are falling off; in pieces
Like confetti from a piƱata

Those warm hugs, the little pats on the back
Those shrugs, nudges and all the ‘thumbs-ups’
—everything, now, is melting like ice-cold slush

Those words—of comfort, to solace, to celebrate;
The immeasurable time that was spent,
Each bit flashing back and breaking in million other pieces and bits
—everything abolishing just by the thought of it

And then from the corner of my eye
All at sudden, in the middle of all the flashes
I see my own reflection…
I, from the times that were ending and that had ended

—me, looking at my self
And I, seeing her fearing and knowing
That all was nothing but to end
And that the end was nothing but imminent…

note: had posted this earlier but thre was some problem with my dumb net...ahh..nyways here it is now...

1 comment:

coco jumbo said...

WOW, simply majestic